The Emo Social Club Podcast

Lets Get Down To Sisky Business

Episode Summary

“The thing I miss the most is having an impact on people, and being nice to people outside of my bus.” Adam Siska, formerly of The Academy Is… and Say Anything dropped by this week to talk about well, a little bit of everything. He also reveals that there is an unreleased TAI… album that they worked on prior to their break-up. From Fall Out Boy being a Chicago staple and their savvy business techniques, to the nostalgia of early 2000s punk & emo and how Brendon Urie is literally the nicest person ever. Siska is currently a touring bassist for Carly Rae Jepson and yes, he saw her get her sword at Lollapalooza.

Episode Notes

“The thing I miss the most is having an impact on people, and being nice to people outside of my bus.”

Adam Siska, formerly of The Academy Is… and Say Anything dropped by this week to talk about well, a little bit of everything.
He also reveals that there is an unreleased TAI… album that they worked on prior to their break-up.

From Fall Out Boy being a Chicago staple and their savvy business techniques, to the nostalgia of early 2000s punk & emo and how Brendon Urie is literally the nicest person ever.

Siska is currently a touring bassist for Carly Rae Jepson and yes, he saw her get her sword at Lollapalooza.

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Brian: @spookypants1
Lizzie: @bordenbathory